By Karl Bogott on Thursday, 26 March 2020
Category: Food

Memories of Long Ago

One of my fondest memories of food at during my time in the Navy were the hearty breakfasts. There was a quartet of yummy tummy-filling goodness, Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast, Creamed Beef (ground beef) on Toast, Sausage Gravy on Toast and Minced Beef on Toast. Over the years, Linda has perfected the Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast and Sausage Gravy. The ground beef recipe is similar to sausage gravy. However, I could never find a civilian recipe that was similar to Minced Beef. So, I took a copy of the Armed Forces Recipe Service card L36 and did the math, reducing the recipe from serving 100 to serving 4. Now, my quest is complete. Had it this morning and added the recipe to my cookbook.

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