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Karl in 2016

Hi. Here's more than you would ever want to know about me.

I'm over the age where you should care and woefully short of hair.

I'm an artisan in wood, the kitchen and fiction for I love to create in all three genres.

I served in and retired from the United States Navy.

I have a wonderful wife. We share pride in two children and glory in three grandchildren.

I love to travel. I've visited all 50 states and all but one Territory. I've been to the top of St. Peter's, the bottom of the Grand Canyon, to Macchu Picchu and crossed the Equator at 0' Longitude and 0' Latitude. I've drunk wine in a tiny hamlet in France and dined in a remnant of Diocletian's Palace in Rome.

I've worked with, both paid and volunteer, Habitat for Humanity of South Hampton Roads more than 20 years.

I read incessantly. I love Cussler, Patterson, Rollins, Clancy, and Lincoln and Childs.

And I know a little about a lot of subjects and, conversely, a lot about a few subjects.

I do not suffer fools lightly, nor those with self-serving agendas.

I like to think that I qualify as a modern Renaissance Man But, then, that's only my personal opinion.

Oh, and I write!.