I'm resurrecting my Blog after a two-year break. I'm truly concerned about the state and direction of our country and have as much right to emote about it as the uneducated boobs, career politicians, and media ego-hogs that fill the airwaves and media. Agree with me or not. Read me or not. Share my words or not. You have all those rights as Americans. I served most of my adult life in the Navy, defending those very rights, among others. What you don't have is a right to tell me that I cannot give you my take on the crumbling of our Republic at the hands of just about everybody in power. If you like what I write … agree or not, please subscribe to my BLOG and share it with your friends. If we do not speak out now, we find ourselves muzzled by those who believe in only one United States … theirs.
Oh, and just to prove that I'm not a single note blogger, I'll talk about our experiments in hydroponics, great recipes we've tried and cool places we've visited, too. So, ya'll come visit.