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- Written by Karl Bogott
- Category: News
- Hits: 9967
I wrote The Red Notebook for the 2021 Writer's Conference. It didn't win (sigh). But, It IS a story that I recommend anyone in a committed relationship and who is over the age of 40, read. You just never know. Click the Stories Tab to read ... The Red Notebook.
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- Written by Karl Bogott
- Category: News
- Hits: 12824
I am featured as the 'Meet the Maker' for November at Woodcraft in the JANAF Shoppes, 5802 E Virginia Beach Blvd Suite #152, Norfolk, VA 23502. You may view a selection of my craft word at the registers inside the store. On the shelf is a catalog of all that I am offering for sale, at this time. You may also view my catalog at this link: 2020 Woodworking Catalog. Please contact me if you would like to purchase an item you see, of IF you see something you like, but would like a different wood or configuration.
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- Written by Karl Bogott
- Category: News
- Hits: 10942
My BLOG is back. Each Monday, I'll publish new thoughts on the path of our nation under the category "Ponderings" I promise not to tell you what you should think. But, i will try to get you to think! I will be civil and respectful of all views and, I hope that if you respond, you will be civil and respectful, as well. There is so much going on in our nation today, that I find it necessary to put my thoughts into words. I hope they are shared and discussed.
Also, as time permits, I'll publish other posts on less weighty subjects as food, travel, and observations of the word around me.
Feel free to subscribe to my BLOG at the end of any post. Then, you will know when a new post is published. I hope to meet new friends and discuss the world around us.
Ya'll be safe out there. y'hear?
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- Written by Karl Bogott
- Category: News
- Hits: 14727
Happiness Is ... is now posted in Editorials. It's a simple essay on my perceptions of the emotional state we call Happiness.